About us, Our partners, and Contact form

The Corvallis Carbon Offset Fund (CCOF) was founded by the Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee (ICJC) as a result of discussions with 350 Corvallis and a shared passion to take action on the growing climate crisis.  It was realized that while existing carbon offsets unburden the climate of greenhouse gases, there were several disadvantages regarding

  • accountability for pricing
  • observation of remote carbon offsetting activities
  • opportunity for education and engagement
  • dollars sent out of the local area
  • benefits returned to the local community
  • inclusion of carbon offsets as progress toward the city and state carbon emission goals

ICJC constructed an offset fund consisting of local organizations to address these concerns.  It followed the framework of the Imagine Corvallis 2040 Vision Statement while moving forward on the goals of the Corvallis Climate Action Plan.

ICJC logo
Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee

ICJC currently serves as the Steering Committee for the CCOF.  Although its membership draws on 9 area faith-based groups, the CCOF was designed to benefit the whole local community. 

ICJC is a partner organization of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition and the Corvallis Climate Action Alliance.  It has liaison with 350 Corvallis and the Eugene- Springfield Interfaith Earthkeepers.

Brian C. Lee is the principal visionary and architect of the CCOF.

Imagine Corvallis Action Network - Climate Action Advisory Board

The CCOF is an official Community Project of the City of Corvallis Climate Action Advisory Board and the Imagine Corvallis Action Network.  

The Board oversees the implementation of the Corvallis Climate Action Plan. The Network provides a framework and integrates public-government relationships to establish and reach for the goals of the future.

Corvallis Sustainability Coalition logo
Corvallis Sustainability Coalition

Corvallis Sustainability Coalition consists of over 400 partner Corvallis organizations with a common desire for a sustainable community. The initial steering committee of the CCOF, the Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee, is a partner of the Coalition.

Corvallis Env Ctr logo
Corvallis Environmental Center

The Corvallis Environmental Center is our fiscal agent.  The Center has a long history of environmental education, resource efficiency, and gardening for the community, and volunteer participation.

Corvallis Climate Action Alliance

Corvallis Climate Action Alliance is consortium of Corvallis community groups and individuals dedicated to raise awareness and promote action against climate warming, and demand a just transition away from fossil fuels. 

Assessing your carbon footprint and contributing to the CCOF are among the many actions that are encouraged by the CCAA Healthy Planet = Healthy People campaign.

350 Corvallis

The Corvallis chapter of 350.org demands immediate actions to return us to a safe 350 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere. 350 is an activist group that engages in high visibility actions to bring awareness of substantial detriments to the climate, and support those that protect it.

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